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Bangladesh Proxy
1,625,573 IPs

Make the most of real Residential IPs and Datacenter Proxies from all over Bangladesh to access the required targets. Gather open-source public data at scale with no blocks getting in your way and with high anonymity.

Datacenter Proxies

Some of the top-performing proxies in the market with Bangladesh IP addresses

Residential Proxies

Smooth human-like scraping without IP blocks with Bangladesh proxies

Extensive pool of Residential Bangladesh Proxies

Enhance your web scraping projects with Bangladesh proxy servers. At Oxylabs, not only do we offer one of the largest pools of Bangladesh proxies on the market, but we also make sure all our proxies are ethically sourced and legitimate. Access the desired geo-restricted content under high anonymity with neither your actual IP address nor geolocation being revealed.

Ethically sourced proxies

Residential Proxies by Oxylabs are of premium quality and originate from legitimate sources

Reliable infrastructure

Due to the high uptime of our proxies, you can rest assured your web scraping goes easily

High speeds with Datacenter Bangladesh proxies

Oxylabs' Datacenter Proxies offer exceptionally high speeds. Our Bangladesh proxies are quick and reliable, with the chances of getting blocked close to zero. Enjoy excellent performance and increased uptime, getting the required public data without significant interruptions. Access the most challenging target websites with no trouble using Oxylabs' Bangladesh proxies.

  • Uptime up to 99.9%

  • High scalability 

  • No target limits

State and city-level precision targeting

Put to advantage all the IP addresses from our extensive proxy pool to harvest public data with a state or even city level accuracy. You can choose from a rich selection of real residential IPs or Datacenter Proxies all over Bangladesh. Backed up with this robust proxy network and unlimited concurrent sessions, be sure to get all your scraping goals achieved in any corner of the country. 

  • Highly localized results

  • Unlimited concurrent sessions

  • Pre-selected and tested proxies

Proxy locations in Bangladesh

City IP Count Protocols IP Version Bandwidth
Dhaka 128 HTTP/SOCKS5 IPV4/IPV6 Unlimited

Residential and Datacenter Proxies in Bangladesh

Datacenter Proxies

Carry out web scraping operations of any scope with no limits put on concurrent sessions and bandwidth. Gather public data from almost any target in Bangladesh in any location.

  • Premium performance for projects of any size

  • Fast and reliable proxies with average 99.9 % uptime 

  • Unlimited concurrent sessions and targets

Residential Proxies

With Residential Bangladesh proxies, you can rest assured that your web scraping projects run without any blocks and bear fruit. With our proxies, IP bans and CAPTCHAs become a thing of the past. 

  • Scrape geo-restricted public data with ease

  • Avoid IP blocks and CAPTCHAs successfully

  • Scale up your web scraping project anytime

Additional benefits

Scrape with no port restrictions

Our Bangladesh Datacenter Proxies support the HTTP, HTTPS, and SOCKS5 protocols.

Track your usage statistics

Use a simple dashboard to access your statistics and manage account settings when needed.

24/7 live support

Contact our support team any time and get all your questions answered and issues solved.

Additional benefits

Constantly growing proxy pools

The Oxylabs' Residential Proxies pool is one of the largest on the market, and it keeps expanding.

Minimum IP blocks

Gather public data and get your scraping jobs done quickly without running into IP blocks.


Oxylabs' Residential proxies save you from CAPTCHAs and enable smooth web scraping sessions.

Why you should choose Oxylabs' Bangladesh proxies

Continuously growing Bangladesh Proxy pool

At Oxylabs, we take great care of upgrading our resources to adjust to the most complex business demands. This is why we never stop working on broadening our Datacenter and Residential Proxy networks. Additionally, we keep expanding and modernizing various proxy types, including static residential proxies, HTTP(S), SOCKS5, and others.

High scalability with Bangladesh proxies

While having a massive number of Bangladesh IPs at your disposal, you can easily access all the necessary targets and scale your web scraping projects. Bangladesh proxies by Oxylabs guarantee trouble-free public data collection from any desired website without exceeding the target server's request limit. You can bypass all the anti-scraping measures without breaking a sweat.

Easy Bangladesh proxy integration

It takes minimal effort to integrate Oxylabs' Bangladesh proxy servers with third-party software, such as proxy IP address management tools. Check the tutorials in our developer-friendly documentation to alleviate the integration process. Rest assured, you won't need to struggle with difficult integrations if you get Bangladesh proxies by Oxylabs.

Certified data centers and upstream providers

All of our products are insured

All of our products are covered by Technology Errors & Omissions (Technology E&O) and Cyber Insurance.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is using a proxy illegal?

It solely depends on how proxies are used. Proxies can be used for many different purposes, such as protecting servers and Internet users from malicious acts, setting up support systems for the users outside a specific network, and many more. If you use proxies for scraping activities, you have to ask for legal advice to ensure you don't breach any laws regarding the particular data you intend to scrape.

How do I change my proxy settings to Bangladesh proxy?

Usually, you have to manually enable proxies every time you plan to use them. However, you can make the process quicker and easier if you add Bangladesh proxies to your Chrome browser in the proxy settings section. For more details, read  our tutorial on how to use a proxy in Chrome.

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