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Buy Proxies and Scraper APIs

Leverage the most robust and innovative data gathering solutions to stay on top of the competition

Most popular proxies

Residential Proxies

Large-scale scraping without IP blocks

Best for: review monitoring, ad verification, travel fare aggregation

Starts from


Pay as you go

Shared Datacenter Proxies

Cost-effective solution with a rich functionality

Best for: price monitoring, market research, website change monitoring

Starts from


Dedicated Datacenter Proxies

Exceptional performance and high speed

Best for: brand protection, cybersecurity, market research

Starts from


Web Unblocker

AI-powered proxy solution for block-free scraping

Best for: real estate scraping, travel fare aggregation

Starts from


Most popular Scraper APIs

SERP Scraper API

Fresh SERP data from search engines

Best for: keyword data collection, brand monitoring, ads data tracking

Starts from


E-Commerce Scraper API

Fast e-commerce data delivery

Best for: pricing intelligence, product catalog mapping, competitor analysis

Starts from


Real Estate Scraper API

Real-time data from popular real estate websites

Best for: real estate data scraping

Starts from


Web Scraper API

Public web data from almost any website

Best for: market research, real estate scraping, travel fare monitoring

Starts from


Other products

Mobile Proxies

Best for: ad verification, review monitoring

Starts from


Rotating ISP Proxies

Best for: brand protection, pricing intelligence

Starts from


SOCKS5 Proxies

Best for: threat intelligence, cybersecurity

Starts from


Frequently asked questions

Which forms of payment do you accept?

We accept payment cards, wire transfers (both in US Dollars and Euros), AliPay, PayPal. We do not accept Bitcoins.

Does the service fee include additional charges?

All payments for the Oxylabs services shall be free of any taxes, levies, duties, imports, fees, charges, and withholdings imposed by any authority. The client shall be responsible for payment of sales, value-added, or any other taxes of a similar nature which Oxylabs shall charge on top of fees for the services in all appropriate taxing jurisdictions where legally required.

What are Oxylabs pricing plans' limitations?

In case you reach the limit within your plan and would like to increase it, contact your account manager for more information. You can increase: 

You can also top up via your dashboard if you’re using Residential Proxies or Shared Datacenter Proxies Self Service plans (Starter, Advanced, Premium, Venture, Business, Corporate). You can also choose the Pay-as-you-go option for our Residential Proxies.

  • Price – $10/GB;

  • Minimum top-up amount – 1 GB;

  • Maximum top-up amount per month – 50GB;

  • Non-refundable.

More FAQs

Scale up your business with Oxylabs®