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South Korea Proxies
1,383,772 IPs

Collect public data from any preferred website with real Residential IP addresses and stable Datacenter Proxies from South Korea. As a result, you can be sure to reach your target with complete anonymity and zero IP blocks.

Residential Proxies

Collect public data in a human-like manner with South Korea proxies

Dedicated Datacenter Proxies

The highest-performing proxies in the market with South Korea IPs

Shared Datacenter Proxies

First-rate proxies with IPs in South Korea for a low price

Biggest pool of Korean proxy IPs

A South Korea proxy server will help you to bring your web scraping processes to a completely different level. A huge pool of over 1.3M proxies means you’ll be able to access Residential IPs from all around the world as well as complete local data gathering and localization testing through city-level targeting. 

Legitimate proxies

Oxylabs Residential Proxies come exclusively from legitimate sources

Reliable infrastructure

Average 99.95% success rate ensures smooth web scraping and anonymity online

Dedicated South Korean proxy servers

Oxylabs dedicated Datacenter Proxy pool is the largest on the market. This means that you can finally forget about facing geo-restrictions and revealing your real South Korean IP address. Instead, you get an opportunity to complete extensive market research, perform location targeting, ensure brand protection – all by maintaining complete privacy.

  • Unlimited concurrent sessions

  • 99% uptime

  • Perfect server stability 

Fastest South Korea proxies

One of the distinguishing features of our Oxylabs proxy network is its fast speed and exceptional performance. Our team remains on a constant lookout for any possible malfunctions, which makes it easier to preserve the overall health of our South Korea proxy pool. While being extremely fast and reliable, all of our proxies are ready to perform large-scale web scraping and gather data essential for the success of your business. 

  • Solution to scrape at any scale

  • Pre-selected and tested proxy pool

  • Constantly monitored proxies

Proxy locations in South Korea

City IP Count Protocols IP Version Bandwidth
Seoul 6488 HTTP/SOCKS5 IPV4/IPV6 Unlimited

Residential and Datacenter Proxies in South Korea

Residential Proxies

Scale up your web scraping processes with a constantly monitored and updated pool of Residential South Korea Proxies. 

  • Deal with noticeably fewer IP blocks

  • Easily manage your proxy usage

  • Achieve high performance with an average 99.95% uptime

Best for:

Review monitoring, ad verification, travel fare aggregation, cybersecurity

Dedicated Datacenter Proxies

Send an unlimited number of concurrent sessions with zero bandwidth and target limitations using Dedicated South Korea Datacenter Proxies. 

  • Average 99.9% uptime

  • The largest proxy pool with over 2M proxies 

  • Access geo-restricted content in 188 countries for global operations

Best for:

Market research, brand protection, email protection, cybersecurity

Shared Datacenter Proxies

Make as many concurrent sessions as needed to almost any website in South Korea. Utilize automatic proxy rotation, or use the same IP for an unlimited time.

  • Average 99.9% uptime

  • Excellent for the majority of web scraping tasks

  • Access 15 most desired locations

Best for:

Price monitoring, review monitoring, market research, website change monitoring

Residential and Datacenter Proxies in South Korea

Datacenter Proxies

Send an unlimited number of concurrent sessions with zero bandwidth and target limitations using South Korea Datacenter Proxies. 

  • Average 99.9% uptime 

  • The largest proxy pool with over 2M proxies 

  • Access geo-restricted content in 188 countries

Residential Proxies

Scale up your web scraping processes with a constantly monitored and updated pool of Residential South Korea Proxies. 

  • Deal with noticeably fewer IP blocks

  • Easily manage your proxy usage

  • Achieve high performance with average 99.95% uptime

Additional benefits

Scrape using a variety of protocols

Our Datacenter Proxies support HTTP, HTTPS, and SOCKS5 so you can scrape without port limitations

Control your proxy usage statistics

Track usage statistics, create sub-users, manage your subscription - all on one Oxylabs dashboard

24/7 live support

Oxylabs is always ready to provide its customers with help and advice whenever needed

Additional benefits

Worldwide coverage

Our Residential Proxies allow access to data from almost every country

Largest proxy pool

Power your web scraping with Residential Proxies from a pool of 100M+ IPs

Fewer CAPTCHAs and IP bans

Collect public information without a risk of getting banned or revealing your IP address

Why you should choose Oxylabs’ South Korea proxy servers

Easy integration of South Korea proxy servers

If you think that proxy integration is complicated, we’re ready to prove you wrong. Such third-party software as IP address management tools will help to integrate our Oxylabs proxies quickly and easily. We even prepared detailed, step-by-step tutorials for you to follow in our developer-friendly documentation. Choose our South Korea proxies and get ready to leave difficult integration processes in the past.

Increased scalability with South Korea proxies

While relying on our stable and high-quality South Korea proxies, you can access the most protected publicly available targets and collect public data with your automated scraping script. No more limitations from anti-scraping software or bans from your target websites. Oxylabs proxies will make sure you power your web scraping projects without any problems.

Constantly growing South Korea proxy pool

One of top priorities for Oxylabs is to always be able to meet the increasing needs of our customers. Therefore, our professional team constantly works on expanding our Datacenter and Residential proxy pools as well as improving proxies’ quality. Additionally, we don’t forget about increasing the number of other proxy types, such as SOCKS5, HTTP(S), etc.

Certified data centers and upstream providers

All of our products are insured

All of our products are covered by Technology Errors & Omissions (Technology E&O) and Cyber Insurance.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is a proxy?

Simply put, proxies are intermediaries between you and the internet. With proxy servers, your request is routed via the proxy first. It's like an additional layer – hiding the actual IP address is one of the main benefits why it's worth it to use proxies. 

If you're interested, you can find more information here: what is a proxy

What are datacenter proxies?

Datacenter Proxies come from secondary corporations like data centers, and they aren't affiliated with Internet Service Providers (ISPs). Usually, datacenter proxies have higher and more stable uptime than Residential Proxies. The main benefit of Datacenter Proxies is the high level of anonymity and rapid response times. However, websites easier detect and block these proxies. 

What are residential proxies?

Residential Proxies are real IP addresses provided by Internet Service Providers (ISPs) to homeowners. They are genuine IP addresses attached to a physical location. Residential proxies have a high anonymity level and enable users to collect the required public data with noticeably fewer IP blocks.

Is web scraping legal in South Korea?

While there is no exact answer to this question, Oxylabs’ professional legal team advises all our customers to receive legal advice concerning proxy use for web scraping activities. Mostly, the main requirement is to check if your data gathering processes do not violate any laws related to the public information you wish to collect. 

Check out one of our blog posts for more detailed information: is web scraping legal?

Should I use free South Korea proxies?

Proxy services are widely used by businesses to avoid geo-restrictions, stay anonymous online, etc. Thus, having a free solution might seem like a great idea. But as with all free things, this kind of proxies usually come with speed, performance, and stability issues. Paid proxies, on the other hand, come from reliable providers. Even though finding a trustworthy provider may be time-consuming, it’s definitely worth it in the end.

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