Access almost any desired target in a flash with either real Residential IPs or Datacenter Proxy servers from all over Thailand. Complete your web scraping tasks under high anonymity and with minimum blocks.
Residential Proxies
Human-like scraping without IP address blocks with Thai proxy servers
Dedicated Datacenter Proxies
One of the fastest and most reliable Thailand proxy servers on the market
Shared Datacenter Proxies
An unbeatable price-to-value offer
With our vast proxy server pool, you get access to Residential IP addresses all over Thailand. The top quality of our Thai Proxies ensures smooth and productive web scraping with city-level accuracy. Whether you intend to scrape publicly available content in Bangkok or perform website testing in Sukhothai Thani or any other city in Thailand, rest assured that you’ll get fast and exact results without much effort.
Ethically sourced proxies
At Oxylabs, we always make sure that our proxies not only are of high quality but also ethically sourced
Reliable infrastructure
Our Residential Proxies provide high uptime so that your scraping tasks get done as planned
Thailand proxies by Oxylabs make great assistants for brand protection, market research, and other business cases. You can boost your web scraping projects, making use of the unlimited number of concurrent sessions. Gather all the public data you need, avoiding even the most challenging anti-scraping measures implemented by the targeted websites. Scrape public content without reaching the server’s request limit.
Uptime up to 99.9%
Exceptional privacy
Multiple use cases
Poor performance of proxies may severely interfere with your web scraping plans. At Oxylabs, we always make sure that our Residential and Datacenter Thailand proxy servers are fast, stable, and deliver actual results to our clients. We regularly monitor the well-being of our proxy network and automatically replace dysfunctional proxies with new ones at no additional cost. All our Thai proxies are pre-tested and of high quality.
Localized targeting
Pre-selected proxies
Top performance
City | IP Count | Protocols | IP Version | Bandwidth |
Bangkok | 1792 | HTTP/SOCKS5 | IPV4/IPV6 | Unlimited |
Residential Proxies
With Thailand Residential Proxy, your scraping jobs will run smoothly and with minimum IP address blocks. Circumvent CAPTCHAs and fetch results quickly.
Fast results with fewer IP blocks
High scalability and top performance
Smooth access to the geo-restricted public data
Best for:
Ad verification, review monitoring, cybersecurity, travel fare aggregation
Dedicated Datacenter Proxies
Collect publicly available content quickly from almost any website in Thailand. Complete web scraping projects at any scale with no bandwidth and target restrictions.
Unlimited targets and concurrent sessions
Speedy proxy servers with high uptime
High performance for web scraping projects of any size
Best for:
Email protection, market research, brand protection, cybersecurity
Shared Datacenter Proxies
Effortlessly gather publicly available web data from any target in Thailand. Never stop your global operations with an average uptime of 99.9% and unlimited concurrent sessions.
Automatically rotated proxies
Access the most demanded geo-locations
Fast and reliable performance at affordable prices
Best for:
Website change monitoring, market research, price monitoring, review monitoring
We at Oxylabs never stop expanding our proxies pool. Extensive and high-quality proxy networks allow us to meet the demands of the most challenging business cases. By constantly upgrading both our Residential and Datacenter Proxy pools, we provide our customers with a great selection of proxies to choose from, including HTTP(S), SOCKS5, and other proxy types.
While having a vast number of Thailand IP addresses at your disposal, you can access all your desired target websites and scale up your web scraping projects. Oxylabs’ Thai Proxies allow you to gather public data without reaching the target server’s request limit. Also, you can easily circumvent any anti-scraping measures employed by the websites you’re scraping.
Oxylabs’ Thai Proxies are very straightforward when it comes to integration with third-party software, such as proxy IP address management tools. We recommend that you check our developer-friendly documentation to learn more about implementing our proxies. By offering simple integration with our Thai proxies, we want to save you from unnecessary integration hassle.
All of our products are covered by Technology Errors & Omissions (Technology E&O) and Cyber Insurance.
As Oxylabs’ legal specialists would say, it totally depends on what purposes you use web scraping for. As long as web scraping doesn’t violate laws regarding the data you intend to scrape or the source target, it is a legal activity. However, these laws may vary in different countries. Before starting any web scraping operations in Thailand, it is important to get legal advice regarding your particular case.
If you want to learn more about this topic, check our “Is web scraping legal?” blog post.
Using free proxies may be risky and lead to undesirable consequences, which may cost you even more than paying for high-quality and trusted proxy provider services. Using a proxy always means entrusting your sensitive information to a proxy provider. With free proxies, there’s always a chance that your private data may leak.
Paid and trustworthy proxy server services such as Oxylabs’ Thai proxies use HTTPS connections with target servers to ensure your privacy and security while web scraping.
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