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UAE proxy
654,305 IPs

Collect public data from any required target with either real Residential IP addresses or Datacenter Proxies from the United Arab Emirates. Reach desired content without IP blocks and stay perfectly anonymous.

Datacenter Proxies

Speediest Datacenter Proxies with the United Arab Emirates IPs

Residential Proxies

Efficient human-like scraping with zero IP blocks with the UAE Proxies

Large pool of Residential UAE Proxy IPs

With our massive United Arab Emirates Proxy list, you can access the desired data on a city level. Whether you intend to target Dubai, Abu Dhabi, or any other city in the United Arab Emirates for the local data gathering needs and testing, our Proxies will make great assistants in any of your web scraping projects. Our Residential Proxies provide a 99,2% success rate, enabling you to gather the data you need with no trouble.

Ethically sourced proxies

Oxylabs’ Residential Proxies are of exceptionally high quality and originate from legitimate sources

Reliable infrastructure

Our Proxies offer high uptime, so you can rest assured that your web scraping jobs run trouble-free

Dedicated UAE proxy servers

UAE Datacenter Proxies are an excellent solution for market research, brand protection, and other business operations in the United Arab Emirates. Due to the unlimited concurrent sessions and uptime reaching 99.9%, you can easily scale up your web scraping projects and get accurate results without any connection errors. Available at a reasonable price, our dedicated proxies grant you high anonymity and don’t reveal your real IP address while web scraping. 

  • Localized targeting

  • Exceptional security

  • High scalability

Some of the fastest UAE proxies

At Oxylabs, we always take care of our United Arab Emirates Proxies network’s performance and well-being. We select them with great care and regularly test them to ensure our customers get only high-quality and fast Proxies for their web scraping tasks. Our extensive Proxy servers network enables us to automatically replace malfunctional Proxies with new ones from our proxy list at no additional cost. We’re always ready to adapt to the most demanding business needs and provide our clients top-quality service. 

  • Pre-selected and tested proxies

  • Top-performance and high speed

  • Extensive proxy pool

Proxy locations in United Arab Emirates

City IP Count Protocols IP Version Bandwidth
Abu Dhabi 256 HTTP/SOCKS5 IPV4/IPV6 Unlimited
Dubai 1887 HTTP/SOCKS5 IPV4/IPV6 Unlimited

Residential and Datacenter Proxies in the United Arab Emirates

Datacenter Proxies

Scaling up your web scraping projects has never been so simple. With unlimited bandwidth and concurrent sessions, you can gather public data from almost any source in the UAE with city-level precision. 

  • High-quality proxy servers for web scraping at any scale

  • Unlimited concurrent sessions and targets

  • Fast and reliable proxies with stable connection

Residential Proxies

With UAE Residential Proxies, you can fulfill your web scraping ambitions in no time. Scrape the desired public content avoiding IP bans and CAPTCHAs, and retrieve quick and accurate results. 

  • Gather data from geo-restricted targets staying anonymous

  • Scale up your web scraping operations without effort

  • Avoid IP blocks and CAPTCHAs with ease

Additional benefits

99.9% uptime no matter the scale

With the high uptime of our Proxies, your web scraping operations run smoothly and without delays regardless of the scale.

No protocol restrictions

Our Datacenter Proxies work well with HTTP, HTTPS, and SOCKS5 protocols so you can gather data without port limitations.

Unlimited bandwidth

No limits are put on the number of targets or bandwidth. Send as many requests as you need at no extra charge.

Additional benefits

Expanding Residential Proxy network

Residential Proxies pool by Oxylabs is one of the largest on the market, and we never stop growing and upgrading it.

Lloyd’s insurance

All of our products are insured with Lloyd’s Technology Errors & Omissions (Technology E&O) and Cyber insurance.

24/7 live support

Our clients get help and answers to all their questions whenever they need it. We provide support around the clock.

Why you should choose Oxylabs' UAE Proxies

Fast United Arab Emirates Proxy servers

UAE Proxy servers by Oxylabs are one of the fastest on the market. They guarantee stable connection and exceptionally high uptime, which makes data collection quick and efficient. With our UAE Proxies, the chances of IP blocks occurring in your way are very low. With this being said, our Proxies are a perfect match for your web scraping jobs.

Escalate your web scraping project

With Oxylabs’ Emirates Proxies, you get access to all the wanted targets all over UAE. Our UAE Proxies enable you to gather data from a required source without exceeding the server’s request limit. Scrape as much content as you need to achieve your business goals, moving around anti-scraping mechanisms with no extra effort from your side.

Constantly expanding UAE Proxy servers pool

At Oxylabs, we always aspire to expand and update our proxy list to adjust to the most challenging business cases. This is the reason why we constantly keep developing both our Residential and Datacenter Proxy pools. We also broaden our selection of available proxy types such as HTTP(S), SOCKS5, static residential proxies, etc.

Certified data centers and upstream providers

All of our products are insured

All of our products are covered by Technology Errors & Omissions (Technology E&O) and Cyber Insurance.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is web scraping legal in the UAE?

There’s no simple answer to this question because it solely depends on what you use web scraping for. Overall, web scraping is legal as long as it doesn’t breach the laws regarding the content you want to scrape or the source target. It may vary depending on a particular country’s policy. Our legal experts suggest getting professional consultation before getting engaged in web scraping activities in the United Arab Emirates.  

You can also read our “Is web scraping legal?” blog post for more information.

Should I use free UAE Proxies?

Usingfreeproxies may be tempting, however, you should consider all potential risks. When you use any proxy server, you entrust your data to a proxy provider. If the provider is unreliable, your sensitive information leaking may be the price you pay for free proxies.

Trustworthy proxy server providers, such as Oxylabs, employ HTTPS connections between target servers to secure your data while you're accomplishing your web scraping tasks with our UAE Proxy server.

Scale up your business with Oxylabs®