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bulk proxies

Bulk Residential, SOCKS5 & Datacenter Proxies

  • 100M+ Residential IPs

  • 20M+ Mobile IPs

  • 2M+ Dedicated IPs

  • 29,000 Shared IPs


proxy rotation







Quick and easy integration

Oxylabs' bulk proxies seamlessly integrate with a wide array of third-party applications, enhancing accessibility and flexibility for users. For detailed integration instructions, refer to our documentation.


curl -x -U "USER:PASS"

I find the support and communication from account managers to be very good, but the real winner is the products and tools that Oxylabs provide which are high quality and do exactly as they promise.

Michael S.

Oxylabs' customer

Highly trusted by top enterprises

Discover what our satisfied customers are saying about us. Join the ranks of those who have chosen us and trust our commitment to excellence.

Buy premium proxies in bulk

Use the flexibility of Oxylabs’ SOCKS5 Proxies to perform traffic-intensive data gathering while avoiding CAPTCHAs. 

  • Unlimited concurrent sessions

  • Free advanced targeting: ASN, ZIP, city, state, country

  • Market highest uptime of 99.9%

Best for:

Video streaming, live calls, traffic-intensive data gathering.

With Residential proxies, you can collect public data from almost any website in the country without being blocked.

  • Get access to geo-restricted content

  • Collect a large number of public data

  • Forget about IP blocks

Best for:

Review monitoring, ad verification, travel fare aggregation, cybersecurity

Bypass geo-restrictions effortlessly with high-quality and reliable mobile proxy.

  • Country, state, city, and ASN targeting

  • 1.1 s market leading response time

  • Avg. 99.9% uptime for high-performance

Best for:

Ad verification, review monitoring, market research.

Perform heavy-duty scraping projects at high speed and performance with bulk private proxies.

  • City and state-level targeting

  • Unlimited sessions, bandwidth, and targets

  • Exceptional speeds with avg. 99.9% uptime

Best for:

Market research, brand protection, email protection, cybersecurity.

Frequently asked questions

Can I buy residential proxies in bulk?

You can buy residential proxies based on data usage, starting with our pay-as-you-go option at $10 per gigabyte. This plan allows for usage of up to 50GB per month at the most affordable rate.

How many dedicated IPs can I buy in bulk?

You can purchase dedicated (private) IPs in bulk with the following pricing: 20 IPs at $2.50 per IP, 500 IPs at $2.00 per IP. For quantities exceeding 500 IPs, please contact our sales team for enterprise pricing.

Can I get different subnets when buying proxies in bulk?

We offer flexibility, allowing for the addition of subnets ranging from 4 to 1000. Reach out to your account manager for detailed information and customization options.

Scale up your business with Oxylabs®