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Japan proxy
1,504,692 IPs

Get access to any desired target with either a real Residential IP address or Datacenter Proxies from all over Japan. Perform your web scraping jobs bypassing blocks without a hitch and fetch all the public data you need. With the Japanese Proxy, you can scale up your scraping project significantly.

SOCKS5 Proxies

Effortlessly handle traffic-intensive tasks with SOCKS5 Proxies.

Residential Proxies

Appear as a real human and get no IP blocks with Japanese Proxies

Dedicated Datacenter Proxies

Top-performing proxy servers in the market with Japanese IPs

Shared Datacenter Proxies

High-quality budget proxies with IPs in Japan

Large pool of Residential Japan proxy servers

An extensive proxy pool grants you access to Residential IP addresses all over Japan. Using the power of the Japanese Proxy by Oxylabs, you can avoid geo-location bans and get all your scraping tasks done in no time. Apart from this, our Japan Proxy network is continuously expanding to meet the most challenging business needs. All our proxies are legitimate and ethically obtained.

Ethically sourced proxies

Not only do we make sure that our Residential Proxies come in high quality, but also from legitimate sources.

Reliable infrastructure

Oxylabs’ Residential Proxies ensure high uptime so that your web scraping jobs run trouble-free.

Unlimited scalability with Japan Datacenter Proxies

Scaling your web scraping project has never been so easy. With the Japanese Datacenter Proxies by Oxylabs, you can forget about any restriction to the number of concurrent sessions. Slide past anti-scraping mechanisms without being detected and access unlimited public targets without reaching the server’s request limit. Japan Datacenter Proxies are an excellent business solution for market research, brand protection, and other purposes.

  • Concurrent sessions with no limits

  • Non-restricted amount of targets

  • Suitable for most business cases

One of the fastest Japan proxy servers

Our Residential and Datacenter Proxies take pride in being one of the fastest on the market, with their uptime going up to 99.9%. Japanese Proxy servers from Oxylabs guarantee stable and fast proxies that enable you to gather public data from any preferred website with no hassle. Achieve all your scraping goals faster and without any interruptions with Oxylabs’ Japan Proxy. 

  • Uptime up to 99.9%

  • Stable connection

  • High scalability

Proxy locations in Japan

City IP Count Protocols IP Version Bandwidth
Tokyo 16895 HTTP/SOCKS5 IPV4/IPV6 Unlimited
Yokohama 1024 HTTP/SOCKS5 IPV4/IPV6 Unlimited

Residential and Datacenter Proxies in Japan

Residential Proxies

With Residential Japanese Proxies, your web scraping projects will go smoothly and without any IP blocks. Avoid CAPTCHAs and get fast results using Residential Proxies by Oxylabs. 

  • Fast results by minimizing IP bans and CAPTCHAs 

  • Easy access to geo-restricted public content 

  • Carry out web scraping projects of any size

Best for:

Review monitoring, ad verification, travel fare aggregation, cybersecurity

Dedicated Datacenter Proxies

Harvest publicly available data from any website in Japan. Perform web scraping tasks at any scale without limits to bandwidth and concurrent sessions. 

  • Top performance for projects of any scope

  • No limits to concurrent sessions, bandwidth and targets

  • Stable and fast proxies with high uptime

Best for:

Market research, brand protection, email protection, cybersecurity

Shared Datacenter Proxies

Scrape almost any website in Japan with unlimited concurrent sessions. Get access to the fifteen most desired worldwide geo-locations to expand your operations' scope.

  • Reliable infrastructure for most scraping tasks

  • Use automatic proxy rotation or utilize sticky sessions for an unlimited time

  • Fast proxies with average 99.9% uptime

Best for:

Price monitoring, review monitoring, market research, website change monitoring

Premium proxies in other Asian countries

Why you should choose Oxylabs' Japan proxies

Constantly growing Japan Proxy pool

Oxylabs is always paying attention to expanding our proxies network. We do so to meet the needs of the most challenging business cases. By constantly working on our Datacenter and Residential Proxy pools, we make sure our clients have a huge variety of proxies to choose from. In addition, we enlarge our protocol types diversity, including HTTP(S), SOCKS5, and others.

Easy scalability with Japan Proxies

With a large number of Japan IP addresses at hand, you can get easy access to all your targets and boost your web scraping operations with ease. Oxylabs’ Japanese Proxies enable smooth public data collection without reaching the target website’s request limit. You can easily avoid all the anti-scraping mechanisms and get the required data without delays. 

Convenient Japan Proxies integration

Oxylabs’ Japan Proxies are easy to integrate with third-party software, such as proxy IP address management tools. You can check the tutorials in our developer-friendly documentation to see how to implement our Proxies. Acquiring Japanese Proxies by Oxylabs means avoiding unnecessary integration hassle and saving your precious time.

Certified data centers and upstream providers

All of our products are insured

All of our products are covered by Technology Errors & Omissions (Technology E&O) and Cyber Insurance.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is web scraping legal in Japan?

It depends on the purposes you use web scraping for. Web scraping is legal as long as it doesn’t violate any laws on the source targets or data itself. These laws may vary depending on the country. Before starting web scraping in Japan, it is essential to consult a lawyer regarding your particular case. 

If you would like to learn more about the legality of web scraping, check our blog post “Is web scraping legal?

What is Japanese proxy?

A Japanese proxy functions as an intermediary located in Japan, standing between a user's device and the destination server. A proxy provides a virtual identity and protects personal data.

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