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Asian proxy
43,310,147 IPs

Power your data collection task with Asian proxies. Access any location in the continent with city and zip code targeting opportunities.

Datacenter Proxies

Superior performance and built-in proxy rotator with Asia proxy servers.

Residential Proxies

Organic web traffic resemblance and pinpoint targeting with Asia proxy IPs.

Oxylabs proxies in Asia

Datacenter Proxies

Send an unlimited number of concurrent sessions with no bandwidth or target limitations and access localized content in every state and most cities in Asia.

  • Largest dedicated IPs pool in Asia

  • Top-tier performance for the largest projects

  • No target or bandwidth limitations

Residential Proxies

Empower your web scraping tasks with millions of real IP addresses. Track your sessions, avoid CAPTCHAs, and circumvent anti-detection measures with rotating proxies.

  • Average 99.95% success rate

  • Ethically sourced IPs

  • Block-free data collection

Additional benefits

Large-scale data

Collect big data with no storage or bandwidth limitations.

Proxy Rotator

Rotate your Asia proxy IPs with a built-in feature.

All-in-one dashboard

Check your usage statistics, whitelist IPs, and manage subscriptions.

Additional benefits

Asia-wide coverage

Residential Proxies cover the entire continent, from Turkey to Japan.

Large proxy pool

The Residential Proxy network has tens of millions of IPs.

No CAPTCHAs or IP bans

Prevent IP blocks and browse the internet with confidence.

Frequently asked questions

What is an Asian proxy?

An Asian proxy is an Asia-based intermediary between a user’s device and the internet (a destination server). A proxy provides a virtual identity and protects personal data.

Are proxies legal in Asia?

The legality varies across the continent. It’s essential to comply with the website's terms of service, respect any restrictions or limitations on data usage, and adhere to legal and ethical guidelines.

For more specific scraping scenarios involving copyrighted or sensitive material, please seek professional legal guidance and analyze applicable national and international legislation. To learn more about the legalities of web scraping, check here.

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